Building Better Futures, One Home at a Time

Providing housing and support for underserved families in Guatemala to empower them to break free from the cycle of poverty.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

In Guatemala, over one million people live below the poverty line. The legacy of war and exclusion has been near impossible to overcome, especially for the indigenous people who make up 52% of the country’s population living on less than $2 a day. They don’t have access to clean water, basic sanitation, or adequate housing. Many live in shacks made of corn stalks and scrap metal with dirt floors. Nights are cold and disease runs rampant. A safe and secure home is the first step towards less sickness, more security, and new opportunities to build a better life for themselves. And that solid foundation can change everything.

Woman receiving her new dignified home in Guatemala


Four solid walls provide protection from
sun, wind, and rain and a locking door
allows a family to leave their home
unguarded. Parents are able to go to work
and children can attend school–some for
the very first time.

Guatemalan girl | Maya outfit


A new home, complete with clean water
and a wood burning stove, is a powerful
catalyst for dramatic change in a family’s
life. It helps to improve their health,
elevates their status in the community, and
ensures a better future.

Community helping carry donated materials to build their homes


These homes give families not only a
sense of belonging and pride but also the
stability and resources they need to
change their lives. The construction also
provides invaluable employment
opportunities for local masons.

Everyone deserves a safe place to call home.


Since 2012, Home For A Home has invested over $1 million in improved housing solutions–including earthquake-safe concrete block homes, wood burning stoves, and water filters–for more than 500 families in Guatemala. The results have been nothing short of life-changing. Clean water has eliminated preventable waterborne illnesses and decreased mortality rates among children. Replacing dirt floors with cement has significantly improved children’s health and cognitive development, which means kids read earlier and perform better in school. Families can cook their meals on stoves that decrease smoke particles by 98%, reducing air pollution and cutting their wood bill in half. And entire communities are being transformed as more and more families establish permanent roots and work to build a better future.


There are many ways you can help.

  • Join forces with a like-minded community dedicated to solving the housing crisis in Guatemala through a one-time or recurring donation.

  • Sign up for ongoing Home For A Home updates in your inbox, follow us on Instagram, or apply to join our advisory board.

  • Your help does more than build a home. You’re giving a family the tools and opportunities they need to build a better future. Learn more here.

Believe in the transformative power of a home?

There are multiple ways to get involved with Home For A Home.